Notion Magic &
Digital Systems

Notion Magic & Digital Systems

Feel stoked about your business again!

Stoked Solutions is a woman-owned consulting company specializing in digital systems and workflow optimization. We help businesses grow by creating the solutions and building the structures to help them increase team transparency, manage clients and projects, and create new revenue streams.

We use Notion (+ additional tools) to build custom digital workspaces, templates, and automated solutions that support you in managing all things business-related in one spot, so you can spend more time creating, impacting, collaborating, and doing the work you love...& less time in the weeds.

Working with Stoked Solutions will not only eliminate bottlenecks and improve operations efficiency, but it will also invite new levels of clarity, focus, and innovation to your brand. When you remove the chaos, there's more room for magic!


  • Custom Notion workspace builds
  • Strategic consulting on Notion architecture & set-up
  • Custom templates for clients, sales, planning, etc.
  • Notion clean-ups & optimization of existing workspaces
  • Websites using Notion + Super
  • Automation integrations with no/low code (such as Zapier)
  • Data migration & implementation into Notion space
  • Team training in Notion basics + how to use your custom workspace

For Custom Notion Builds & Existing Workspace Revisions:

For Notion Architecture Strategy Sessions:


⭐️ Notion Demo

🧠  Free Training: How To Get Started in Notion

🧩  Free Notion Template: Personal HQ Dashboard

What is Notion?

About Brie

Past Client Work



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